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Last Updated on 22 March 2024 by Brisbane Livewell Clinic

Hypnotherapy: The Ultimate Guide in 2024

Hypnosis, at its core, is a state of heightened focus and concentration, often accompanied by deep relaxation. In this relaxed state, the outside world fades away, leaving room for new awarenesses to take place and inner thoughts to be explored.

Hypnotherapy, on the other hand, is the therapeutic use of this state. It involves guiding an individual into hypnosis to tap into the subconscious mind, helping to heal intrusive thoughts, behaviours and emotions. It’s a journey of self-discovery and healing, guided by a trained hypnotherapist.

Jeremy Walker - Hypnotherapist at Brisbane Livewell Clinic

Jeremy Walker, Hypnotherapist and Psychosomatic Therapist, Brisbane Livewell Clinic

A person standing on top of a sandy hill. Hypnotherapy. Brisbane Livewell Clinic

Historical Background

In the 20th century, hypnosis evolved with contributions from psychologists like Sigmund Freud and Milton H. Erickson, who recognised its potential in psychotherapy. Hypnotherapy has a philosophy of encouraging the subconscious mind to find a solution over using mere willpower. An alignment of mind, body and spirit can bring much peace to a conflicted mind. This coming together of separated parts (conscious and subconscious mind), means change can happen very quickly in comparison to talk-therapy alone.

How Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis Work

Hypnotherapy works by accessing the subconscious mind, the storehouse of our deeper thoughts, beliefs and memories. In this state, an individual is more open to suggestions and can explore and address underlying issues that influence conscious behaviour. This makes it a powerful tool for change, from breaking bad habits to overcoming phobias. Metaphors, regularly used in hypnosis, are easily received by the subconscious mind and bypass resistance.

Each Hypnotherapist approaches Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis differently – learn about Jeremy Walker at Wavell Heights here.

The Science Behind Hypnotherapy

Is Hypnosis Real?

Despite its portrayal in popular media, hypnosis is not a mystical or magical state. It’s a well-documented psychological phenomenon, backed by research and clinical studies. Brain imaging studies have shown that hypnosis can affect brain activity, leading to changes in perception and response.

Mechanisms of Action

During hypnosis, the brain’s beta waves, associated with wakeful consciousness, give way to alpha and theta waves, indicative of relaxed and meditative states. This shift allows for increased suggestibility and deeper access to the subconscious mind. It’s a state where the mind can focus intently on a thought or feeling, tuning out distractions.

Debunking Myths

Contrary to popular belief, hypnosis is not a state of sleep or unconsciousness. The individual under hypnosis is aware, in control, and can’t be compelled to act against their will. It’s a collaborative process, working within your values to achieve your important goals.

Hypnotherapy. Brisbane Livewell Clinic. A man standing on top of a rock near the ocean

Types of Hypnotherapy

1. Weight Loss Hypnotherapy

Weight loss is a common goal for many, and hypnotherapy offers a unique approach. Unlike diets and pills, hypnotherapy targets the subconscious drivers of eating behaviours. It helps in addressing emotional eating, portion control, and motivation for physical activity. By changing how one subconsciously views food and exercise, lasting weight loss becomes more achievable.

Find Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss Near Me

Discover Does Hypnotherapy Work for Binge Eating?

2. Gastric Band Hypnotherapy

This innovative approach simulates the effects of gastric band surgery purely through hypnosis. It convinces the subconscious that a gastric band has been fitted, leading to a feeling of fullness with less food. It’s a non-invasive method for weight control, gaining popularity for its effectiveness and safety.

Read our article on Gastric Band Hypnosis here.

3. Smoking Cessation Hypnotherapy

For those struggling to quit smoking, hypnotherapy can be a beacon of hope. It works by altering the subconscious perceptions associated with smoking, such as its link to stress relief or social habits. Through hypnotherapy, the deep-seated urges driving the smoking habit are addressed, making it easier to quit and stay quit.

Read our Ultimate Guide on Hypnotherapy to Quit Smoking.

4. Anxiety and Depression Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is increasingly recognised for its effectiveness in managing general anxiety, panic attacks and depression. It helps in identifying and altering negative thought patterns that contribute to these conditions. By promoting relaxation and positive thinking, hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool in the mental health toolkit.

5. Alcohol and Addiction Hypnotherapy

Addiction often has deep-rooted psychological triggers. Hypnotherapy aims to address these underlying issues, helping individuals understand and overcome their dependency. Hypnotherapy can assist those looking to stop alcohol consumption and is just as effective in terms of alcohol reduction.

Learn about our Hypnotherapy for Alcohol Services.

Discover Hypnotherapy for Alcohol Online

Hypnotherapy for Alcoholism and Alcohol Addiction

Finding a Hypnotherapist

How to Choose a Hypnotherapist

Choosing the right hypnotherapist is crucial. Look for certified professionals with relevant experience and positive reviews. It’s important to feel comfortable and trust your hypnotherapist, as the success of therapy greatly depends on the rapport between therapist and client.

Hypnotherapy Services in Australia

In Australia, cities like Brisbane, Gold Coast, and Sunshine Coast have a range of hypnotherapy services. One of the most experienced and skilled Practitioners of Hypnotherapy is Jeremy Walker from Brisbane Livewell Clinic.

Key links:

Hypnotherapy Brisbane

Hypnotherapy Near Me

Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss Near Me

Online Hypnotherapy Options

For those unable to attend in-person sessions, online hypnotherapy is an effective alternative. It offers the convenience of therapy from home, making it accessible to a wider audience. We ensure that the online services are credible and offer secure, private sessions.

How much does Hypnotherapy Cost?

Discover how much does Hypnotherapy cost in Australia in this article. And read about how much is Hypnotherapy at Brisbane Livewell Clinic.

Hypnotherapy Success Stories and Reviews

Real-Life Testimonials

Success stories serve as powerful testimonials to the effectiveness of hypnotherapy. From significant weight loss achievement to overcoming decades-long smoking habits, these stories inspire and provide insight into what can be achieved through hypnotherapy.

Case Studies and Research Findings

Numerous case studies and research findings support the efficacy of hypnotherapy. These studies offer a scientific perspective on how hypnotherapy impacts various conditions, providing a deeper understanding and validation of its therapeutic potential.

Understanding the Hypnotherapy Session

What to Expect in a Session

A typical hypnotherapy session begins with a discussion about your goals and concerns. The hypnotherapist then guides you into a relaxed state. In this state, you’re not asleep or unconscious but deeply focused. The therapist may use various techniques like guided imagery or suggestion to help you toward your goals.

Techniques Used in Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapists employ a range of techniques, including metaphors, positive affirmation, and suggestion. These techniques are tailored to individual needs, ensuring a personalised approach to therapy. The goal is to embed positive thoughts and behaviours into the subconscious mind.

After the Session: Follow-up and Maintenance

Post-session, you may feel refreshed and more in control. Follow-up sessions might be scheduled to reinforce the changes and assess progress. Multiple sessions allow for sustained positive transformations and dealing with specific issues in-depth.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

Role of Professional Associations

Hypnotherapy, like any therapeutic practice, is governed by legal and ethical standards. Professional associations play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the hypnotherapy profession. They provide certification, ongoing education, and a set of ethical guidelines that their members must follow. This ensures that clients receive safe, effective, and ethical treatment.

FAQs and Common Concerns

Read our Hypnotherapy FAQs here.

Q1: Is Hypnotherapy Safe? 

Hypnotherapy is generally considered safe when conducted by a trained and qualified hypnotherapist. It’s a non-invasive method and does not involve medications. However, it’s important to discuss any mental health issues or medical conditions with your hypnotherapist before starting sessions.

Q2: Can Anyone Be Hypnotised? 

Most people can be hypnotised to some degree. The key is willingness and the ability to relax and follow the hypnotherapist’s guidance. Some individuals may find it easier to enter a hypnotic state than others.

Q3: Will I Lose Control During Hypnosis? 

This is a common misconception. During hypnosis, you remain in control and aware of your surroundings. You cannot be made to do anything against your will. The role of the hypnotherapist is to guide and facilitate, not control.

Q4: How Many Sessions Will I Need? 

The number of sessions varies depending on the individual and the issue being addressed. Some people see improvements in just a few sessions, while others may need more. Your hypnotherapist will work with you to determine an appropriate plan.

Q5: Can Hypnotherapy Cure Physical Ailments? 

Hypnotherapy is primarily used for psychological and behavioural issues. While it can help manage pain and improve certain physical conditions, it should not be seen as a cure for physical ailments and should be used alongside conventional medical treatment.

Q6: Is Hypnotherapy Effective for Children? 

Hypnotherapy can be effective for children, particularly in areas like bedwetting, anxiety, and certain behavioural issues. Children are often good candidates for hypnotherapy as they have active imaginations and are open to suggestion.

Q7: What’s the Difference Between Stage Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy?

Stage hypnosis is for entertainment and involves participants performing tasks for an audience. Hypnotherapy, however, is a therapeutic process aimed at personal improvement or relief from specific issues.

Q8: Can Hypnotherapy Help with Anxiety and Depression? 

Hypnotherapy can be an effective tool for managing anxiety and depression. It helps in identifying and altering negative thought patterns and promoting a sense of calm and relaxation.

Q9: Are the Effects of Hypnotherapy Long-Lasting? 

The effects of hypnotherapy can be long-lasting, especially when combined with a commitment to change and ongoing self-care practices. The goal is to create lasting behavioural and cognitive changes.

Conclusion and Next Steps

If you’re considering hypnotherapy, the first step is to research and find a qualified Hypnotherapist like Jeremy Walker. Reflect on what you hope to achieve and be open to discussing these goals with your therapist. Remember, the journey of hypnotherapy is as much about healing as it is about solving specific issues.

Further Resources

For those interested in exploring the world of Hypnotherapy, a wealth of resources are available. Books, scientific articles, and websites of professional hypnotherapy organisations can provide valuable insights. Consider attending workshops or seminars to gain a more hands-on understanding.

And make sure you read Jeremy Walker’s book on Freedom from Addiction